In The Jungle

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So, How thick are you REALLY willing to go?

The article is for women, but I also POSE the question to MEN, How Thick are you really willing to go & when is thick to0 thick?

So as I was writing the article for thou shall not swirl I came across another issue that’s up for dispute as well. Now I can even admit to pondering over this same question many times in my life so far and I’m only 22. DAMN, AM I FAT OR THICK? I have once sat in on a conversation my male cousins were having where they basically argued when to decide if a woman is just stacked or is just plain ole fat and even I was stumped. What is the real difference between fat & thick?? Is it based on how the weight is carried & proportioned? Well, I’m happy to report that after conducting “extensive” research (giggling) I can now answer this unreciprocated question.

First let me state the obvious, a THICK woman is curvy and has a nice figure and is made up of nothing but meat & potatoes, & yea she’s a brick house because she’s fully STACKED like the international house of pancakes. Thick is the middle point between thin and fat and may actually be considered overweight by all medical standards. Bria Myles, Back in the day Beyonce, and Toccara are all different versions of thick. See thick can be measured by waist to hip ratio, because if a woman’s waist is two-thirds the size of her hips or less aka if her waist to hip (WHR) is 0.67 or less, she is most likely thick. Also thick is categorized and often associated with having an hourglass or pear-shaped figure. Hourglass shapes are pretty much the only and ideal body shape for all women who harvest curves. Majority of women strive to be fat in the ass, thick in the hips, and slim in the waist which is evident by how popular injections of the buttocks as well as Brazilian butt lifts have become (I’m looking to get me one as Men are always talking about how much they admire women who have a little more to grab onto during the sex session and how when they hold their woman they do not want to feel her bones. But, when is a woman no longer thick but actually fat?

Fat is often categorized as being sloppy which is really just a mean way of saying ill-proportioned and men tend to believe women who have gained so much weight that they have little or no figure left are still fat & no longer thick. Sorry to disappoint but for those who feel that beyonce is just a skinny woman with curves & Queen latifah ( who is very beautiful I may add) is a true thick woman is just in denial. I feel as though if you are 5’5 or shorter and walk around with your shoes leaning perhaps you should seek a nutritionist or diet doctor because that is in no way healthy, because height & weight plays a huge role In the proportionally “thick” game. My opinion is simply this, whether you’re thick, fat or thin Health and confidence is key. Your weight only becomes unhealthy, when you have problems breathing after a walk across the street or a brief jog and that can go for all women of all sizes because thin doesn’t always mean in shape. I’ve met many frail and unhealthy thin chicks. All in All no matter what your size is, as long as you keep it tight nice butt, legs, hips, & curves actual weight shouldn’t be too much of a concern. !DISCUSS!

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